How Do You Convert Case Online?

by | May 10, 2022

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How Do You Convert Case Online?

It can be challenging to process a draft once you’ve finished typing it up. There are always one or two apps that don’t have editing features like spelling and grammar check or convert case functions. With these apps, it can be frustrating to edit a document and be forced to manually capitalize each word for a headline one letter at a time.

Luckily, there are ways to quickly and easily edit your text and convert case online. In this guide we will help you solve all these case conversion issues for basic apps, and show you how to convert between letter cases like lower case, upper case, sentence case, capitalized case, alternating case, and others.

Convert Case Online with Voxtury

One of the easiest ways to convert case online is with the help of an online text editing tool like Voxtury. This type of platform makes it easy to complete a number of editing and conversion tasks. Here is a quick look at a few simple steps for converting the case of a letter into capital for parts of your document.

How To Convert Text to Sentence Case

Sentence case is one of the most frequently used case text types because we use it in general writings for just about any structured sentence.

In sentence case, most of the words in your document are lowercase except for the first letter of the sentence and proper nouns.

You are most likely to use a sentence case converter if you accidentally typed everything in upper case or if you somehow made a mistake on the case adjustments and stored your document that way.

Luckily, this is a pretty easy fix. Here is a quick look at steps you can take to convert your text to sentence case.

Step 1

First, copy the text you want to convert to sentence case and paste it into the online text editor app.

Step 2

Next, you will need to select the case you want. Good apps have a huge variety of case settings to choose from like lower case, upper case, title case, capital case, sentence case, and a few others that are not used very often.

Once you have pasted the desired text into the text editor, select the “Sentence Case” option from the change case drop-down menu. The text should be automatically converted into sentence case.

All of the first letters of each sentence should be capitalized while the rest of the text will be converted into lower case. Lowercase “i”s will also be converted into I’s.

Step 3

You can now copy the text again and paste it back into your word processing app or any other online app you might be using and your document will be perfectly formatted within minutes.

Important note:

After completing the conversion, you will still need to manually scan the text since the app won’t capitalize names and places.


Here is an example of sentence case text.

How To Convert Text to Uppercase

Uppercase is when all of the letters in a text are written in capitals. We often write certain parts of a document in uppercase to accent content, create headers, make a reference list, or to write titles of books. Uppercase sentences are also used to indicate that you are shouting the information instead of calmly stating it.

You can change text into upper case by retyping everything with the CapsLock on. But it is much easier to use the following quick edit steps to convert to upper case.

Step 1

Copy the text you want to convert and paste it into the online editing app.

Step 2

Next, click on “Change Case” and select “UPPER CASE” from the drop-down menu. All of the text you pasted into the app will automatically convert and all letters will instantly be in uppercase form.

Step 3

Finally, you can copy the newly edited text and paste it back into your original word processing document or into the app you are working on.



How to Convert Text Into Lower Case

Lower case is when all of the text is written in lower case without the use of any capital letters at all. In documents, it is very rare to see lower case unless it is in the middle of a sentence.

So why do some word processing apps have lower case features? It is quite simple. The lower case feature is often used to undo uppercase. With some editing apps, it is often hard to convert uppercase or capital case back into sentence case because the software concludes that all first letters of the sentence are already in uppercase and the text stays the same. With these apps, it is pretty easy to simply convert to lower case first before you switch back to another format, like title case.

Here is a quick look at the easiest way to convert your text to lower case.

Step 1

Start by copying all the text you would like to convert and paste it into the online editing software.

Step 2

Next, click on “Change Case” and select “lower case” from the drop-down menu. All of the text should automatically be converted into lower case and every letter should be in lower case including names, I’s, places or the beginning of sentences.

Step 3

From this point, you have two options. Change the lower case format to the type of case you want by selecting from the “Change Case” drop-down menu. Or simply copy the lower case text and paste it back into your document.


this is an example of lower case text.

How To Change Text to Capitalized Case

The capitalized case is when each starting letter of every word in a text starts in the upper case while the rest of each word is in the lowercase letters. This format is often used for newspaper headlines. The capitalized case is the norm for proper nouns, names, or places.

Here is a quick look at the steps for changing your current format into a capitalized case.

Step 1

Start by copying the text you would like to convert and paste the text into the online editing software.

Step 2

Look for the “Change Case” icon and select Capital Case. Within an instant, all of the words in your text should now start with a capital letter.

Step 3

You can now proceed and copy the converted text and paste it back into your original document.


This Is An Example Of Capitalized Case.

Important Note:

With a capitalized case, every single word will start with a capital letter. This may include words that would normally be written in lower case like “a” or “is”. A lot of people confuse capital case and title case which may result in grammatical errors since the capitalization rules are quite different.

How To Convert Text to Title Case

Title case is a format that many use for titles or headers in a document. With this type of formant, most of the words (all major words) start with a capital letter while the rest of the word is in lower case. All names or places, for example, are written in Title Case. It is however important to take note that not every single word of the sentence or text starts with a capital. There are some minor words like “an”, “a”, “is”, and others that should be written in lower case format. The first and last minor word of a title does however also start with a capital.

Title case conversion is quite confusing if you are not familiar with all of the rules of English grammar. Luckily, online editing software makes this conversion very easy. Here is a quick look at how to use a title case conversion tool.

Step 1

Start by copying the title or header that you want to convert and paste it into the convert case tool.

Step 2

Once pasted, you should look for the “Change Case” icon and select “Title Case” from the drop-down menu. The converter tool should automatically convert your content into title case format. All major words, as well as the first and last word of your text, will start with a capital letter while minor words are left in a lower case format.

Step 3

The final step is to copy the converted text and to paste it back into your document. You can then proceed to bold or enlarge the font to further highlight your headers.


This Is an Example of Title Case Text.

How to Convert Text To Alternating Case

Alternate case isn’t something you are very likely to see in documents too often. With this writing format, capitalization and lower case are randomized throughout the word which can make the text a bit harder to read.

This text format is usually used to convey mockery on social media channels or in text messages. Some may also use alternate case letters in birthday messages to create a light-hearted or more interesting look or to force readers to slow down.

Here is a quick look at an easy way to use an alternate case tool.

Step 1

Start by copying the text you want to convert. This may be only the headers of content or it could be an entire paragraph depending on what effect you might want to achieve. Paste the copied text into the online case converter.

Step 2

Look for the “Change Case” function and select “aLtErNaTiNg cAsE” from the dropdown menu. Your text will instantly convert and will look much different and will be harder to read but all the lettering will still be present.

Step 3

Now all that is left to do is to copy the text and paste it back into your document.


tHiS Is aN ExAmPlE Of aLtErNaTiNg cAsE TeXt.

Other Types of Text Case Options

Sentence case, lower case, upper case, capitalized case, title case, and alternating case are the most common text formats currently in use. There are however a few others that you might not be quite as familiar with. It is important to realize that not all title case converter apps will offer these additional format options. Here is a quick look at some of the lesser-known formats that people also sometimes use when crafting written content.

Inverse Case

Inverse case is a different form of alternating case. With alternating case, the first letter of the sentence is usually lower case, followed by an upper case letter, followed by a lower case letter, followed by an upper case letter… and so on.

In inverse case, the first letter of the sentence is capital, followed by a lower case second letter, followed by a capital case letter.. and so the cycle repeats.


ThIs iS An eXaMpLe oF InVeRsE CaSe tExT.

Toggle case

Toggle case usually happens as an accident when you type sentences with the CAPS LOCK on. The result is usually that letters that were meant to be upper case are lower case while those meant to be lower case end up in upper case format.


ThIs is An exaMple oF ToggLe cAse text.

Param case

Param case is when the space between lettering is replaced by a hyphen.



Snake case

Snake case is when the space between lettering is replaced by an underscore.



Dot case

In dot case, all of the spaces are replaced with dots.


Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to convert case online, you never have to struggle to edit text or documents again. We hope that you found this guide and the Voxtury platform useful. If you want to learn more about this online editing tool or find other tips and tricks for editing your content, then follow the link to get more handy guides.

Plain-Text Editor
Rich-Text Editor
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