How To Edit a Book Using AI

by | Jun 14, 2024

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How to Edit a Book Using AI

More and more professionals use AI technology to streamline their work. If you know how to use AI tools, you can improve your efficiency and, sometimes, solve problems that would take hours of manual labor to address.

Book editing definitely falls under the category of jobs that usually require hours and hours of meticulous work. While there are compelling reasons to use human editors for the editorial process, it’s not always a viable option, usually due to the high costs of such a service.

While we’re not vouching for AI to completely replace the human eye, this article will offer you some good insights into how you can use AI for editing, writing, or outlining your book.

Let’s learn!

AI Book Editing – Is It Worth It?

The first thing any author should probably ask themselves is – is using AI for book editing a good idea?

In most cases, using AI to perform a grammar check, find duplicate words, highlight wrong formatting, or even help you create an outline and then offer you insights into how closely it’s been followed in your manuscript can only work in your favor.

AI editing presents the ability to analyze vast amounts of text with lightning speed. Not only that, but you can find many interesting AI tools for free, significantly reducing your book editing-related costs. Even paid AI tools rarely reach the price human editors charge for book editing.

Still, for this strategy to be successful, it’s crucial to be aware of AI limitations in the book editing process. AI tools are a very useful aid, but there are some areas in which they cannot rival us!

What are those?

Can AI Edit My Book? – AI Editors’ Capabilities

Here are some key areas where human editors still reign supreme:

1. Fact-Checking Beyond the Obvious

AI excels at identifying factual inconsistencies in readily available datasets. However, it struggles with nuanced areas like historical context, cultural references, or emerging scientific concepts. A human editor can delve deeper, verifying information with credible sources and ensuring the accuracy of even obscure details.

2. Advanced Tone Correction and Nuance

Tone detection is an ongoing challenge for AI. While AI can flag overly formal or informal language, it may miss subtle nuances like sarcasm, underlying tension, or the emotional core of a scene. A skilled human editor understands these subtleties and can ensure your writing conveys the intended tone throughout the narrative.

3. The Invaluable Human Input

The editing process is more than just mechanics. A human editor can offer invaluable insights on the overall flow of your story, the effectiveness of emotional beats, and the development of your characters. AI lacks the critical thinking and emotional intelligence to provide these crucial observations on the narrative as a whole.

Okay, so now that we know what AI editors may lack, let’s learn more about how they can be effective for book editing.

What AI Book Editor Can Do

1. Meticulous Error Detection

AI’s strength lies in its ability to analyze vast amounts of text with remarkable accuracy. This translates to a meticulous scan for typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies. They can also flag repetitive phrasing or overused words, helping you streamline your writing.

2. Consistency Across the Board

Maintaining consistency throughout your book can be challenging. AI tools can be highly effective in ensuring character names, locations, and terminology are used uniformly. Additionally, AI can analyze your writing style and suggest ways to maintain consistency in tone and voice, particularly helpful for longer manuscripts or those with multiple authors.

3. Pacing and Structure Insights

Some AI tools can analyze your narrative structure and identify areas where pacing might falter, or plot points lack clarity. This can be particularly valuable during self-editing, where you might miss areas where the story drags or transitions abruptly. AI can provide data-driven insights to help you refine your plot and ensure a smooth reading experience.

4. Multilingual Support

AI tools are constantly evolving, and some offer multilingual editing capabilities. This can be a valuable asset for authors writing in a non-native language or translating their own work. While not a substitute for human translation expertise, AI can help identify grammatical errors and inconsistencies in the target language.

As you can see, AI tools can do quite a lot for writers, refining their work in a timely and more cost-effective manner. If you’re self-publishing your book, using AI tools for brainstorming and then editing should be something you seriously consider.

Hands typing on a laptop with a coffee cup on a round table

AI Online Editors for Writers

What are some of the most popular and valuable AI tools for book editing you can find online?

Voxtury: A perfect tool for rich text and plain text editing that offers you great text editing and formatting capabilities, including features such as a word, letter, character, symbol counter, and duplicate word finder.

Grammarly: A well-established tool offering grammar and spelling checks, plagiarism detection, and basic style suggestions.

Hemingway Editor: Focuses on clarity and readability, highlighting complex sentences and passive voice.

WhiteSmoke: Caters to both grammar and style, offering suggestions for clarity, conciseness, and tone.

Wordtune: Offers sentence rewrites and paraphrasing options to help you vary your sentence structure and word choice.

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a large language model with content generation capabilities. While not specifically an editor, it can be used for brainstorming or rewriting specific sections.

Marlowe: This AI tool is designed to analyze and provide feedback regarding readability, dialogue percentage, repetitive phrases and use of explicit language, among others.

AI Book Editor Tips and Strategies

Knowing that AI can be utilized in a book editing process is a great first step. Knowing how to work with these tools is another quite important thing to master.

In some instances, it may require some time, trials and errors but this education is well worth the effort.

Here are some of our practical tips to maximize the benefits.

1. Leverage AI for Specific Tasks

Don’t expect AI to be a one-stop shop for editing. Identify areas where your AI tool shines and focus on those. Some AI tools have simple grammar check capabilities but won’t perform even basic fact checks. In many instances, manual fact and tone checks are still required, although some AI book editors have the range to be of assistance with that as well.

2. Don’t Replace, Refine

AI suggestions are a starting point, not a final verdict. Use them to refine your writing, not blindly accept every change. Always analyze AI suggestions and decide if they align with your vision and voice. Your readers should still be able to experience your style of writing, so don’t edit yourself out of your manuscript.

Also, a very important tip: Don’t rely solely on AI for factual accuracy. Verify information with credible sources, especially for historical details or scientific concepts.

Person typing on a laptop and writing in a notebook

3. Craft Clear Instructions for Your Editing Assistant

AI editing thrives on clear and detailed instructions. Here’s a tip to construct powerful prompts for your AI editor.

The “Focus + Flaws” Formula:

  • Identify Your Focus: Determine the specific area you want the AI editor to analyze. Is it grammar and clarity? Consistency in character names? Pacing in a particular chapter?
  • Describe the Flaws: Tell the AI editor what kind of errors or inconsistencies you’re looking for within that focus area.

Example Prompt:

  • Focus: Dialogue in Chapter 3
  • Flaws: Identify instances where the dialogue might sound unnatural or repetitive. Suggest alternative phrasing options while maintaining the overall meaning.

Remember! The more specific your prompts, the more effective your AI editor will be in assisting you with the editing process. AI is not a magical wand or a mind reader. It still requires substantial human input to generate really high-quality results.

4. Combine AI with Human Expertise

For a truly polished manuscript, consider combining AI editing with a human editor. This is the best of both worlds, as using AI speeds up the editing process, while input from the human editor brings the quality of your manuscript up. If you can afford it, it’s always valuable to consider a human editor’s involvement.

AI Book Editing – Wrap-Up

To summarize – use AI to edit your book, but don’t forget who’s the boss. AI offers plenty of fantastic features for brainstorming, writing, and editing, but at the end of the day, it’s your book, and you have the final word.

Utilizing AI book editors can help you deal with tedious tasks like grammar check and formatting, but also offer more advanced help with creating and executing an outline, checking the tone and consistency of your writing and more.

By tapping into the potential AI presents, especially on your journey as a self-published, independent writer, you’re giving yourself a fair chance at creating a masterpiece!

Be sure to head on to our Blog section for more similar guides like this one on how to become a successful Amazon author or writing tips you need to master as a beginner.


At Voxtury, we prioritize using high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to ensure our articles are accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. To learn more about our commitment to quality and how we fact-check our content, please visit our editorial process page.

  1. Book Writing Cube – Get the Best Results: Top 7 AI Book Editing Tips for Authors
  2. Forbes – AI And The Author: How AI Is Transforming Book Writing
  3. TalkNotes – How to Use AI to Write a Book: The ultimate guide for 2024
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