Veronica Bennett

  • CURRENTLY: Senior Content Writer
  • RESIDES IN: Brooklyn, New York
  • EDUCATION: New York University
  • EXPERTISE: Book Writing, Editing, Self-Publishing
Veronica Bennett

Veronica Bennett is a Senior Content Writer at Voxtury with over a decade of experience in book writing, editing, and self-publishing. She is passionate about helping aspiring authors bring their stories to life and navigate the complexities of the publishing world.


  • Member of the Voxtury Content Review Board
  • 10+ years of experience in writing and editing
  • Expert in self-publishing techniques and tools
  • Known for her ability to simplify complex editing processes
  • Dedicated mentor for new writers


Veronica’s journey into the literary world began at New York University, where she majored in Creative Writing. Her dedication to storytelling and meticulous editing skills have made her a trusted advisor for many aspiring authors. Over the past decade, she has honed her expertise in self-publishing, guiding numerous writers through the process of bringing their manuscripts to market.

At Voxtury, Veronica focuses on providing practical advice and tools for writers, from crafting compelling narratives to mastering self-publishing. She is a valued member of the Content Review Board, ensuring that all articles meet the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

A Word From Veronica Bennett

“Writing is more than just putting words on paper; it’s about creating a world in which readers can immerse themselves. I believe that every author has a unique voice and story to tell. My goal is to help writers find that voice and tell their stories in the most authentic and impactful way possible.”


Veronica holds a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from New York University. She has also completed numerous courses in advanced editing and publishing, enhancing her expertise in the literary field.

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