Emma Harper

  • CURRENTLY: Content Writer
  • RESIDES IN: Seattle, Washington
  • EDUCATION: University of Washington
  • EXPERTISE: Content Creation, Writing Tips, Digital Publishing
Emma J. Harper

Emma Harper is a Content Writer at Voxtury, specializing in content creation, writing tips, and digital publishing. With over seven years of experience in the literary field, Emma is dedicated to helping new writers develop their skills and successfully publish their work online.


  • Member of the Voxtury Content Review Board
  • 7+ years of experience in writing and digital publishing
  • Expert in crafting engaging and effective writing tutorials
  • Passionate about using digital tools to enhance the writing process
  • Known for her approachable and supportive teaching style


Emma’s journey into the literary world began with a degree in English from the University of Washington. Her enthusiasm for storytelling and her proficiency with digital tools have made her a valuable asset to the Voxtury team. Over the past seven years, she has focused on helping writers improve their craft and leverage digital publishing platforms to reach a wider audience.

At Voxtury, Emma provides practical advice and tutorials on various aspects of writing and publishing. She is a key member of the Content Review Board, ensuring that all articles are accurate, engaging, and helpful to readers.

A Word From Emma Harper

“Writing is a journey, and every step is an opportunity to learn and grow. My goal is to make this journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible for new writers. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, I’m here to help you every step of the way.”


Emma holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Washington. She has also completed several professional development courses in digital publishing and creative writing, which have enhanced her ability to support aspiring authors.

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